HyperspaceExplorer 0.7.1
trying to check for rendering to file, but this doesn't work yet.
clean up, check what is really needed - in particular it calls PreRedraw() twice, once via RenderScene()
make hardcoded duration of rotation change frequency adjustable
a menu entry for this
implement a map<Function *, ColorManager *> to store one ColorManager per function - this will probably break the existing interface
Shouldn't htis class implement the ColorManager interface? It delegates all calls to a ColorManager and serves as one, doesn't it?
Rename other references to the name "Function"
Vector &normal (double, double, double); - or in derived classes?
operator () (double t, double u, double v) - ditto
this is not general enough. should take the number of arguments that are actually needed.
The h value is fixed and hardcoded. better approach, please!
I don't think calling operator() is right. Call f()!
- dimensional vertices, Project them into three-dimensional space and Draw the resulting three-dimensional image onto a View.QThread
and QtConcurrent
, but C++11's std::thread
is also feasible). Adapt to the "correct" version of using QThread; see http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/06/17/youre-doing-it-wrong/ and http://mayaposch.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/how-to-really-truly-use-qthreads-the-full-explanation/
possibility to transparently use different backends (QThread and std::thread)
equals Nnew
, but I don't see how to achieve this. make scrW and camW vectors for consecutive operations
add possibility to transform before projecting - or make a process separate from projection
fully understand and document rotating polygons
add caps for polygons
It looks as if it would make sense for Realm to manage the vertex array too. Look into this.
refactor to have shorter functions.
Split into smaller functions.
Fix for triangles.
set the function name to symbolic() in the descendants' constructors
Make the above definition mathematically correct
The switching on and off of input fields, depending on which function is selected, is done from C4DView. This is of course unfortunate and will be changed.
Should it draw a point or just define one, e.g. for polygons?
Abstract from the original vertex and only use the projected one?
default implementation does not work correctly yet
move out of the class
dimensions D
dimensions and scaling.