HyperspaceExplorer 0.7.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Loki::CreateUsing< Alloc >::Allocator< T >
LSystem::AlphabetThe alphabet for the Lindenmayer System
AltSpongeAn alternative hypersponge implementation with removal of duplicate faces
UI::Dialogs::AnimationDialogImplA Dialog to select settings concerning the writing of animated frames to disk
ArrayList< size, T >A list of elements of arbitrary type defined at compile time
ArrayList< 0, T >An empty ArrayList. Specialization to end recursion
ArrayList< 1, T >An empty ArrayList. Specialization to end recursion
ColorManagerManager::BadColorManagerExceptionThrown by createColorManager() when name does not map to a ColorManager
FunctionFactory::BadFunctionExceptionThrown by createFunction() when name does not map to a function
BadRotopeOperationGets thrown when an operation is not yet (or will never be) supported
Script::BadStatementExceptionException thrown when an unknown statement is encountered in a script
Script::BoolStatementStatement with a single boolean parameter
C4DViewDisplays and manipulates four-dimensional Functions in a QGLWidget
ColorA class to represent a color value by its RGBA components
ColorManagerAbstract interface for all color managers
ColorManagerManagerSingleton to set the color scheme globally - proxies the color manager
ColorManagerManager::ColorManagerUnsetExceptionThrown if a ColorManager function is called before a ColorManager has been set
Script::ColorStmt"color <bool>"
UI::Dialogs::ComplexDialogImplA Dialog to enter a user-defined complex function, $ f: C \rightarrow C $
ComplexFunctionA surface defined as a function $ C \rightarrow C $
Script::CoordsStmt"coordinates <bool>"
coshz$ f(z) = \cosh{z} $
cosz$ f(z) = \cos{z} $
Loki::CreateStatic< T >Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder Creates an object in static memory Implementation is slightly nonportable because it uses the MaxAlign trick (an union of all types to ensure proper memory alignment). This trick is nonportable in theory but highly portable in practice
Loki::CreateUsing< Alloc >Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder Creates objects using a custom allocater. Usage: e.g. CreateUsing<std::allocator>::Allocator
Loki::CreateUsingMalloc< T >Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder Creates objects using a call to std::malloc, followed by a call to the placement new operator
Loki::CreateUsingNew< T >Implementation of the CreationPolicy used by SingletonHolder Creates objects using a straight call to the new operator
CustomComplexFunctionFunction $ f: C \rightarrow C $, editable to an arbitrary function
CustomFunctionFunction $ f: R^3 \rightarrow R $, editable to an arbitrary function
CustomFunctionBase< function_type >Base class for custom functions, which can be edited by the user
C4DView::CustomFunctionSlot< function >Class template to outsource redundant code for customized functions
CustomPolarFunctionFunction $ f: R^3 \rightarrow R $, editable to an arbitrary function
CustomSurfaceFunction $ f: R^2 \rightarrow R^4 $, editable to an arbitrary function
Polar::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Polar
PolarSin::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines PolarSin
PolarSin2::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines PolarSin2
PolarR::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines PolarR
ComplexFunction::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines this function
Surface1::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Surface1
Horizon::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Horizon
Torus3::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Torus3
Hypersphere::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Hypersphere
Torus1::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Torus1
Torus2::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Torus2
Fr3r::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Fr3r
GravitationPotential::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines GravitationPotential
Fr3rSin::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Fr3rSin
Fr3rExp::DefiningFunctionParametricFunction that defines Fr3rExp
DefinitionRangeOfDimension< D >
Script::DeltaStmt"transform_step <rotation>"
depth2RGBColorManagerMaps w coordinate to R, G, B
DisplayableA Displayable is a generalized four-dimensional object
DisplayableClassCarries a description of a Displayable class, including its relation to other Displayables
DisplayableClass::DisplayableClassExceptionThrown when a DisplayableClass object is requested that has not been registered
emz2$ f(z) = e^{-\alpha*z^2} $
Extrude< D, Dmin, Dmax >A class template to execute extrusion actions on an object
Extrude< D, Dmin, Dmin >Specialization of Extrude<D,Dmin,Dmax> to end recursion
extrude_base< D >Base class for Extrude classes, providing the actual extrude() function
ez$ f(z) = e^{\alpha*z} $
FacePolygon< D, N_vertex >Defines a surface element in D -space
Fastxyz2RGBColorManagerMaps x, y, z in parameter space to R, G, B with a faster algorithm
Script::Fog4DStmt"depthcue4d <bool>"
Script::FogStmt"depthcue3d <bool>"
Fr3rExample function from $R^3 \rightarrow R$
Fr3rExp$ f(x,y,z) = \exp (x^2+y^2+z^2) $
Fr3rSin$ f(x,y,z) = \sin (\pi*(x^2+y^2+z^2)) $
Script::FramesStmt"frames <num_frames>"
UI::Dialogs::FunctionDialogImplA Dialog to enter a function from $ R^3 \rightarrow R $
FunctionFactoryFactory class creating Displayable objects given the name of their class
FunctionHolder< N, P, NUM >
UI::View::FunctionNotSupportedExceptionThrown when a function is not supported by a View implementation
FunctionParameterA parameter to a Function with a name, an optional description and a default
FunctionParameterFactoryClass with factory methods to create a FunctionParameter
FunctionParameterValue< T >A value for a function parameter. Template depending on its type
FunctionParameterValueBaseInterface for a value of a function parameter. Inherited by a template class
FunctionValueGrid< N, P, NUM >Values of a ParametricFunction stored on a grid representation of its parameter space
GasketA four-dimensional version of the Sierpinski Gasket
GlobalAs a workaround to end the embarassing practice of keeping global variables, I have created this class as a singleton. You might also call it a namespace
GravitationPotentialFunction describing the gravitational potential of a spherical mass
GridDrawer< P, NUM, D >Draws a ParametricFunction projected to 3-space
GridDrawer< 1, NUM, D >
GridDrawer< 2, NUM, D >
GridDrawer< 3, NUM, D >
HelpWindowA popup window displaying the Hyperspace Explorer online help as HTML
HorizonA four-dimensional surface described by Thomas Banchoff
HypercubeA four-dimensional cube
HypersphereA hypersphere
Script::ImgDirStmt"image_dir <directory>"
Script::ImgPrefixStmt"image_prefix <filename_prefix>"
Subject< Parent >::Impl
VertexHolder< N, P, NUM >::Impl
FunctionHolder< N, P, NUM >::Impl
Multithreading::Private::Kernel< RandomAccessContainer, Function >Does the work of running a function concurrently on a random access container
LightAn interface for the definition of light sources
LightOpenGLImplementation of a Light for OpenGL
LightSourceAn interface for the definition of light sources' attributes
Script::LightStmt"lighting <bool>"
lnz$ f(z) = \ln{z} $
UI::Dialogs::PluginCreator::LoadFunctionHelper< F >Class template with a static function to simulate a function template
LogConditionally prints messages, if the preprocessor variable DEBUG is defined
LoopHelper< N, P, dimension, NUM >Class that applies a function on every value in a MultiDimensionalVector
LoopHelper< N, P, 1, NUM >Specialization to end recursion
Script::LoopStmt"loop <num_loops>"
MultithreadedTransformation< N, P, NUM >::MapFunctor
MultithreadedTransformation< N, 1, NUM >::MapFunctor
VecMath::Matrix< D, N >Matrix<D, N>: a D x D matrix of numbers of type N
Loki::CreateStatic< T >::MaxAlignAuxiliary class to find the maximum alignment size
C4DView::Menu4DThe menu for the C4DView and handlers for menu events
monochromeColorManagerPlots all points in white
C4DView::MouseHandler4DInner class to C4DView which handles the mouse events
VecMath::MultiDimensionalVector< T, D >A D -dimensionally nested std::vector of objects of type T
VecMath::MultiDimensionalVector< T, 1 >Specialization of NestedVector<T, D> for D = 1
MultithreadedTransformation< N, P, NUM >Class template to apply a geometrical transformation on a set of vertices
MultithreadedTransformation< N, 1, NUM >Specialization for one-dimensional arrays
ParameterMap::NonexistentParameterAccessedException that is thrown when a key is accessed that is not present in a ParameterMap
NotYetImplementedExceptionThis Exception is thrown when a feature is not yet implemented
VecMath::NumAxes< D >Determine number of rotation axes in D-dimensional space
VecMath::NumAxes< 0 >Specialization for zero-dimensional space (no rotation possible)
VecMath::NumAxes< 1 >Specialization for one-dimensional space (no rotation possible)
ObjectGeneralized four-dimensional Object, described by vertexes and surfaces
Script::ObjectStmt"object <object_name>"
Observer< Parent >An object that is notified by a Subject it is attached to
UI::Dialogs::ParameterDoubleSpinBoxWidget to edit a FunctionParameter of type double
UI::Dialogs::ParameterInputInput controls for all types of FunctionParameter
UI::Dialogs::ParameterInputFactoryFactory class to create a ParameterInput based on the type of a FunctionParameter
UI::Dialogs::ParameterLineEditWidget to edit a FunctionParameter of type string
ParameterMapA class to store and manage FunctionParameter s
UI::Dialogs::ParameterRotationControlWidget to edit a FunctionParameter of type Rotation
UI::Dialogs::ParameterSpinBoxWidget to edit a FunctionParameter of type int
ParametricFunction< N, P, NUM >A function describing a P dimensional surface in N dimensional space
ParametricTestFunctionTesting a ParametricFunction to initialize a RealFunction with
Script::ParmStmt< T >"parameter <double|int|unsigned|string> <parameter>"
Script::ParserParser reads a file and executes the commands in it in a C4DView
UI::Dialogs::PluginCreatorAbstract base class for all Dialogs which allow entering a custom function
PolarA hypersphere as an example polar function
UI::Dialogs::PolarDialogImplA Dialog to enter a function from $ R^3 \rightarrow R $ in polar coordinates
PolarR$ r = \sqrt{\psi^2+\theta^2+\phi^2} $
PolarSin$ r(\psi, \theta, \phi) = |\sin (_phase*\pi*\psi*\theta*\phi)| $
PolarSin2$ r = \sin(\pi/3.*(\psi+\theta+\phi)) $
PolynomialThird-order polynomial of z, not yet implemented
Projection< N, Nnew, P, NUM, Policy >Class that projects a N dimensional vertex array to Nnew dimensions
Projector< D, D_ >A functor class to project a D -dimensional object to D-1 dimensions
Projector< D, D >Specialization for D_ == D
PyramidA four-dimensional pyramid, also known as hypersimplex
RealFunctionA RealFunction is a mathematical function $ f: R^3 \rightarrow R $
RealmN - dimensional surface on a vertex array
Realm::RealmPrinterAuxiliary class encapsulating printing and conversion to std::string
Rotate< D, Dmin, Dmax >A class template to execute rotate actions on an object
Rotate< D, Dmin, Dmin >Specialization of Rotate<D,Dmin,Dmax> to end recursion
rotate_base< D >Base class for Rotate classes, providing the actual rotate() function
VecMath::Rotation< D, N >Rotation in D-dimensional space defined by angles about the main axes
VecMath::RotationAxes< D >How to generate a Rotation matrix from a Rotation component
VecMath::RotationAxes< 3 >Rotation axes in three dimensions, manually specified
VecMath::RotationAxes< 4 >Rotation axes in four dimensions, manually specified
VecMath::RotationBaseInterface Rotation<D, N> implements
UI::RotationControlQWidget to edit the value of a VecMath::Rotation
UI::RotationSliderA QSlider which represents a rotation from -180 to 180 degrees
Script::RotDeltaStmt"rotation_step <rotation>"
RotopeA four-dimensional Rotope
RotopeFactory::RotopeAction< D, d >Functor class to perform an extrusion on a Rotope or vertex array
RotopeFactory::RotopeAction< D, 0 >Specialization for extruding into the dimension 0 to end recursion
RotopeFactoryA class to generate Rotopes
RotopeInterfaceInterface implemented by all Rotope s
Script::RotStmt"rotation <rotation>"
ScopedTimerA class to write timing information to a std::ostream
Script::ShadingStmt"shading <bool>"
SimpleCompositeA simple Composite object, consisting of two Hypercube s. Meant only to develop the idea
SimpleProjectionPolicy< N, Nnew, P, NUM >Default Projection policy; single threaded, no optimizations
SimpleProjectionPolicy< N, N, 1, NUM >Default Projection policy - specialization to end recursion
SimpleProjectionPolicy< N, Nnew, 1, NUM >Default Projection policy - specialization to end recursion
SinglethreadedTransformation< N, P, NUM >Class template to apply a geometrical transformation on a set of vertices
SinglethreadedTransformation< N, 1, NUM >Specialization for one-dimensional arrays to end recursion
Loki::Singleton< T >Convenience template to implement a getter function for a singleton object. Often needed in a shared library which hosts singletons
Loki::SingletonHolder< T, CreationPolicy >Provides Singleton amenities for a type T To protect that type from spurious instantiations, you have to protect it yourself
sinhz$ f(z) = \sinh{z} $
sinz$ f(z) = \sin{z} $
Script::SizeStmt"size <width> <height>"
Script::SleepStmt"sleep <milliseconds>"
Script::SolidStmt"solid <bool>"
SpongeA four-dimensional Menger Sponge
sqrtz$ f(z) = \sqrt{z} $
Script::StatementBase class for all possible statements in a script
Script::StatementFactoryFactory object, creates Statement objects from a Parser and a given line
Subject< Parent >An object telling its state changes to all attached Observer s
SurfaceParametrized surface in four-space defined by $ f: R^2 \rightarrow R^4 $
Surface1An example surface
UI::Dialogs::SurfaceDialogImplA Dialog to enter a function from $ R^2 \rightarrow R^4 $
tanz$ f(z) = \tan{z} $
Taper< D, Dmin, Dmax >A class template to execute taper actions on an object
Taper< D, Dmin, Dmin >Specialization of Taper<D,Dmin,Dmax> to end recursion
taper_base< D >Base class for Taper classes, providing the actual taper() function
Torate< D, Dmin, Dmax >A class template to execute torate actions on an object
Torate< D, Dmin, Dmin >Specialization of Torate<D,Dmin,Dmax> to end recursion
torate_base< D >Base class for Torate classes, providing the actual torate() function
Torus1A ditorus
Torus2A toraspherinder
Torus3Another torus version, this one as a two-dimensional surface in four-space
Transformation< N, P, NUM >Interface for applying a geometrical transformation on a set of vertices
TransformationFactoryThis class creates a Transformation. Always use it instead of the Transformation constructor
TransformationImpl< N, P, NUM >Class template to apply a geometrical transformation on a set of vertices
Script::TransStmt"transparence <bool>"
Tree< Node >
Update< Parent >
UI::Dialogs::ValuesDialogBase class for ValuesDialogImpl, originally created by uic
UI::Dialogs::ValuesDialogImplA Dialog to enter parameters for the displayed function
VecMath::Vector< D, N >Vector<D, N>: a D-dimensional vector of numbers of type N
VertexData< D >Base class for all Rotope s
VertexData< D >::VertexDataPrinterAuxiliary class encapsulating printing and conversion to std::string
VertexGrid< N, P, NUM >Values of a ParametricFunction stored on a grid representation of its parameter space
VertexHolder< N, P, NUM >This class stores vertices in a P - dimensional (hyper-) grid in an N dimensional vector space
UI::ViewInterface to display four-dimensional objects
UI::ViewImplInterface with attributes to display four-dimensional objects
ViewpointList< N, Nnew, NUM >A list of Vector s of dimension Nnew+1 through N
ViewpointList< N, N, NUM >Specialization of ViewpointList for a projection from N space to N space - which does nothing
Script::WireStmt"wireframe <bool>"
FunctionParameterValueBase::WrongParameterTypeExceptionException thrown when a FunctionParameterValue member not matching its template argument is called
Script::XformStmt"transform <rotation>"
xyz2RGBColorManagerMaps x, y, z in parameter space to R, G, B
z2$ f(z) = z^2 $
z3$ f(z) = z^3 $
zA$ f(z) = z^\alpha $
zm1$ f(z) = \frac{1}{z} $
zm2$ f(z) = \frac{1}{z^2} $
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